The 20s-40s Not-Creepy Gathering -- Fremont Abbey!
A Not-Creepy Gathering for people in their 20s-40s!
(Event for people in their 40s & beyond on March 16. Folks in their 40s get to choose!)
Tickets here!
A Not-Creepy Gathering for people in their 20s-40s!
(Event for people in their 40s & beyond on March 16. Folks in their 40s get to choose!)
Tickets here!
A Not-Creepy Gathering specifically for people in their 40s and beyond!
(20s-40s on March 15 at the Fremont Abbey. Folks in their 40s get to choose!)
Tickets here.
SOLD OUT!!!! New date added on March 21!
Held at and in collaboration with WinkWink!
$10-$30, Sliding Scale
Tix here!
New Event!!!
Third Saturday of the month from 12:00-2:00 at the FREMONT ABBEY.
For folks who have been to at least one Not-Creepy Gathering for People Who Want to Fall In Love and want to go deeper.
Tickets here!
New Event!!!
Third Saturday of the month from 12:00-2:00 at the FREMONT ABBEY.
For folks who have been to at least one Not-Creepy Gathering for People Who Want to Fall In Love and want to go deeper.
Tickets here!
In collaboration with the Fremont Abbey!
Held at the Ballard Homestead.
$10-$30 Sliding Scale
Tickets here!
In collaboration with the Fremont Abbey!
Held at the Ballard Homestead in Seattle.
$10-$30, Sliding Scale
Tickets here.
In collaboration with the Fremont Abbey!
Outdoors (weather permitting) at the Ballard Homestead in Seattle.
$10-$30, Sliding Scale
Tickets here.
Specifically for people over 40!
Outdoors (weather permitting) at the Ballard Homestead in Seattle.
$10-$30, Sliding Scale
Tickets here.
Specifically for folks in their 20s-40s!
Outdoors (weather permitting) at the Ballard Homestead in Seattle.
$10-$30, Sliding Scale
Tickets here.
Specifically for queer folks!
Outdoors (weather permitting) at the Ballard Homestead!
$10-$30, Sliding Scale
Tickets here!
We’re finally doing it…
Our first indoor in-person Not-Creepy Gathering for People Who Want to Fall In Love in three and a half years!!!
Ballard Homestead
$10-$30 Sliding Scale
Tickets here!
P.S. There will also be a virtual gathering on December 9!
Online via Zoom, with an optional in-person happy hour to follow!
In partnership with the Fremont Abbey.
Info and tickets here!
In the big beautiful barn at White Lotus Farm & Inn!