A.k.a. summer camp for grown-ups!

June 26-30, 2025


Here’s the idea:

Everyone who attends leads one workshop, on just about anything they want -- so, everyone gets to step into the teacher role and everyone gets to step into the student role and what happens is determined by who shows up and what they bring. Whoa! BAM!!!

This is NOT a retreat specifically for people who are looking for love. We want to be clear about that. But it is very much in alignment with the spirit and values of The Not-Creepy Gathering (and is created and run by the same person!). We get to be curious about and honor what every single person has to offer. And when we do that, surprising things happen! Connection happens.

Past workshops include: De-escalating Brains (Yours and Other People's); Beyond Jazz Hands: Musical Theatre Appreciation; The Breathing Mind; Bystander Response Strategies for Witnessing Hate Crimes & Bias Incidents; Walking Stick Making; Workshop in a Workshop Workshop(!); The Acoustics of Space; Blob Art; The Pulse; Flora & Fauna: A Design Crash Course; How to Thrive After the Loss of Your Loved One; Target Planning for Results; Energy Fields; Learn to Play D&D; First Aid for Pets; Writing a Will; Yes I Used to Own A Book Store; Landscape Architecture; Attentive Bodywork; Personal Ritual Making; The Creative Process; Needle Felting; Mending: Prolong the Life of Things You Love, A Devotional Act to the Material World; Walking Perspective; Kickball Clinic; Game Creation; The Elegance of Accounting; Storytelling from the Sacred Feminine; Backyard Chickens; A Somatic Approach to To-Do List, Productivity, and Time Management; Yin Yoga; Demystifying Stage Presence; Embroidery for Beginners; Paper Mache Mask Making; Deepening; The Sneaky Deep PlayShop; and The Secret Life of Pinecone People.

Read more (and register!!) here!