Jenna Bean Veatch is a multi-disciplinary queer performing artist, teacher, and facilitator who has been accused of creating "pure, unadulterated, heart-stopping whimsy." She has made dances, theater shows, music, stop-action animated music videos, delightful objects, connections, community gatherings, and one gorgeous little human.
photo by Deirdre Visser,
from way back at the very beginning, when The Not-Creepy Gathering was a still a dance-theater show in-the-making, one that was going to be about the desire for human connection, one that was going to include some audience participation to create some connection in the moment, before I realized that if my main goal really was to facilitate connection, a participatory event would be a way more effective way to get there than me dancing about it…
It was a show that decided to become… something else. It was a show that decided it wanted to be for YOU.